Borderline kleptomania (1844)
[First published in Private Eye]
[The original drawing is no longer available]Remove sleeve (1850)
[First published in Private Eye issue 1610]
The original drawing is no longer available.
Watch batteries (1842)
Thanks to Kate O’Keefe for the idea!
[First published in Private Eye issue 1609]
Influencee (1835)
[First published in Private Eye issue 1609]
Outside the box (1791)
[First pubished in Private Eye issue 1604]
Stockholm (1790)
[First published in Private Eye issue 1604]
Pantograph (1788)
The Times (1784)
Jenrick (1752)
[First published in Private Eye issue 1602]
Note the original is black and white only. Colour was added digitally.